The simple things we have are the things of truest beauty.

March 21, 2011

Domestic Newsflash

Beautiful weather- balmy breezes- an empty day- what could better than yard work? On a day like this, it’s not so bad. So three ladies and a boy get out the tractor, hoes and rakes to spread mulch in a dozen little flower gardens. We all know how the story goes, so I shan’t describe, but post a picture instead!

I’ve been thinking of joy.
What would one look like who really radiated with joy? The person would be strong of character, with the joy of the Lord pouring in and from her.
If all the joy in existence was gathered at one place, that place would be around the throne of God, because in His presence there is Fulness of Joy!
When Christ gave us the analogy of vine (being himself) and branches, He was inviting us to a feast of joys! Abiding in Christ as a branch to a tree is to remain, continue, and dwell in Him. We are powerless to produce fruit unless we remain branches in the vine.

Mom, Cori, Reed and I have been busily holding the fort. Our flooded pond has leveled off finally, and just for fun these warm days, we tried fishing with small bait and low hopes. But much to our surprise, the catfish survived the great rains and astounded us with their reasonable proportions! Reed and his 16- incher!

Good news from our gospel crew in Ecuador! The people are eager for the good news, and many have accepted it! Please continue to pray for them, and their safety traveling and being in Quito and Esmeraldas during the political strains.


  1. delightful post, Anna. And nice reminder about joy and abiding in Him. :)

  2. Thanks Ashley! You're such an encourager. :D
