The simple things we have are the things of truest beauty.

November 25, 2011

Domestic Newsflash

I hope all you happy pilgrims gave pure thanks to God yesterday for his goodness in the land of the living, though you may have shared your meal with Indians. 

This afternoon, Mom took us three girls into town to shop and eat at a restaurant. The roads and stores were busy with bargain-seekers.
I decided to not buy a single thing except some yarn because my wallet was empty, and I didn't need anything, and I wasn't even in the mood to shop. So when we got to the stores near Barnes and Nobles, I went in to look at words instead of the nearby clothes deals.
The first section I perused was Languages. But I soon moved on to specialty cookbooks. Then a book of quilts caught my eye and I sat down to look through it, absorbing some fabric inspiration.

Afterwards, I found a book of advice for bloggers. It wasn't my style, but there were a few good comments:
      1. Readers are interested in people. They enjoy reading about the details of an author's day; it helps them to connect with what the author is about to tell them.
  1. Readers like to be talked to like friends. They enjoy casual narratives and stories better than informative lectures.
  2. 3. Readers are visual people. They like pictures and colors.
Our quick shopping trip became quite a visit because it took a while to move through places. You will be proud of me for coming home without extra purchases. Almost. I bought my yarn, and one single dress that was just right and only seven dollars. Dresses are my one weakness.

A few of us Sampleys brought down the Christmas decoration boxes the other day and set some things up along with the tree. This year I am trying to simplify our Christmas because glamorous gold and gorgeous greenery and sparkling silver stuff all over the house always makes me feel cluttered.

On a pie cabinet shelf, we set up a set of 12 days of Christmas glasses, which are my favorite holiday items. My grandma gave a set to my mom when my mom was a young bride. Through the years we have replaced the ones we annually break. Glass doesn't last long in our house of wood and stone. Last year or so, I found an entire set at an antique mall. They are special objects to me, so I bought them and keep them safely in my hope chest. The picture above is my favorite glass. It is so elegant.  

November 19, 2011

I met this white caterpillar crawling down the road. He was really cute, but it took him a long time to get anywhere and I soon passed him up. 

                                           *             *            *                *

This week, as a reward in school, I let my little friend listen to one track on any cd she wanted. Choosing a holiday album, she surprised me by singing through the whole thing. I was impressed that she knew every word, so I applauded and praised her.
After more stacks of flashcards, she wanted to play another song for me. Standing proudly and letting her hair out of her ponytail, she closed her eyes dramatically as the music began. Taking deep breaths, she gave the lyrics every energetic sensation in her heart, often stealing glances at me to see me watching and smiling at her.
The next day, she begged me to let her sing for me again and showed me several new cd's that she planned to use in the future. The tunes were difficult for her to follow, but she sang loudly and boldly, watching my face.
It reminded me of what I had prayed that morning while I was driving to her house: to know Jesus' favor. I want to love Jesus more and know his love for me.
Just like my little friend who watched for my approval, I am watching Jesus' face to see the kindness, assurance, and pride in his eyes. She is not a singer, and I am not naturally loveable to a perfect God. But He sees our aspirations to do well. He calls us 'faithful servants.'
I will live loudly and boldly, not gazing into heaven and wondering who will attain to bring Jesus down to me, but marveling at his presence right in my heart.

For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.

November 14, 2011

Isaiah 53

...and the priest shall make an atonement for
him before the Lord: and it shall be forgiven him for 
any thing of all that he hath done in trespassing therein...

Away from prison and places of justice,
the king of the Jews was murdered.

We did not desire him.

He bore our griefs upon his shoulders.
He carried our sorrows.
He accepted the chastisement of our peace.
He healed us with his wounds.
He interceded for sinners.
He poured out his soul to us to death.

But we saw him as stricken,
smitten of God,
afflicted with strange delusion.
We turned away from sight of his marred face 
and went our way.

Bruised with purity,
wounded with truth,
oppressed in silence,
disfigured with love,
he was offered for atonement.

God was pleased.

He exalted his Servant, His Son,
so that at his name,
all shall wonder
and worship
and adore.

November 7, 2011

s-O-e Save Our Electricity

Today was a sunny, nice day and I found some ways to save our electricity by: hanging half the laundry outside to dry, layering vegetables in a gigantic bamboo steamer to cook all at once instead of separately, turning off the fans and opening the windows for fresh air (but some cold people objected and shut them all later,) turning off the heat and building a fire to keep the house warm, going outside to read instead of turning on a lamp, singing instead of using the cd player.

The book I am reading is a biography of a missionary to China in the 1800’s. Mom found it on her shelf and recommended it to me. It is a challenging, inspiring, nourishing, true story.
Here’s a quote or two: ‘the Holy Spirit never creates hungering and thirsting after righteousness, but in order that Christ may fill the longing soul.’
‘faith in Jesus crucified, is the way of peace to the sinner; so faith in Jesus risen, is the way of daily salvation to the saint.’
‘it doesn’t really matter how great the pressure is, it only matters where the pressure lies; see that it never comes between you and the Lord- then, the greater the pressure, the more it presses you to His heart.’