The simple things we have are the things of truest beauty.

March 30, 2011


This is a beautiful picture of an Ecuadorian mountainside that Levi took the other day.

 I was thinking, Sunday afternoon, about all the people who need the encouragement of a reminder of God's bottomless wisdom and peace. You can never outsmart, outdistance, overload or understand Him. Renew your strength and soar over those treacherous mountaintops doubt and disbelief always!

To those without a friend: God knows the times and seasons when  we need the encouragement and support of a friend. He cheers our hearts with what we have in common, and we learn things from each other. So do not despair when that friendship seems to end. Now it is time to seek the Lord and thank Him for that friendship, however short it may have been.

To the discouraged and depressed: Remember this, that God has placed you in the time and place that you are to reach out to him. Remember what Paul said, ‘Is there any afflicted? Let him pray. Is there any that have joy? Let him sing psalms and songs.’ Time for quiet reflection and grief is necessary. One cannot live well on a continual party. Only direct your sadness toward praying and intercession, do not martyr yourself on the cross of your own pity.

To him who struggles: ‘This too shall pass.’ Wait on your Savior- He will come in a good time. No ears are so readied with patience, no human so understanding as He is. Open your mouth right now, and thank God for what He has already done and what He is about to do!

1 comment:

  1. Dearest Anna,

    This touched me deeply.
    You have a way with words...a gift from our Saviour! thank you for using it to glorify Him and bless others.
    I love you,
