The simple things we have are the things of truest beauty.

March 3, 2013

The Lord changes the times and escorts us through changing seasons all our lives. When we are waiting for small seeds the Lord has planted to mature into visible substance (certain job, ministry, or direction) it may appear to others as idleness and waste. While we are waiting on the Lord, we should do whatever our hands find to do in serving others. God uses this kind of occupation to communicate his heart to us and prepare us for his will. 
Moses knew he was called by God to deliver the Israelites from Egypt's tyranny and tried to accomplish it himself by killing a cruel taskmaster, but it didn't work. When Moses waited for forty years for the fulfillment of his calling to save Israel, he engaged himself in being a husband, raising a family, and attending sheep. After living as a prince, he needed to be prepared by experiencing the responsibility and leadership of these duties to lead over a million people through a wilderness.
Joseph waited over seventeen years to fulfill the prophetic calling in his dream. He did not have the character he would need at the time he was given the vision. The Lord prepared him to accomplish his will by tenderizing him in empathy, compassion, responsibility, and the art of forgiveness.
After thirty years of practicing submission to his parents, Jesus was ready for the ultimate purpose of his existence in reconciling the fallen world to its creator by obeying God, speaking his words only, and doing his will.
What you are doing now is significant in the grand design of your purpose. 

I cannot see the end of God's work from the beginning in my life. There is something strong that moves me toward an unclear calling, and I must trust God to accomplish his will and yield to his visible direction.

The Lord prepares you, like he does every humble heart. Doing what your hands find to do, you are learning about patience, perseverance, serving, and sustainment in Jesus through all things. You are practicing giving what God choses to give though you without taking responses and reactions personally, and how to press into the Lord in all things and follow his slightest movement- how to be a vessel.
He alone makes your righteousness a gradual reality, like the dawn; and the justice of your cause bold, useful and unquestionable, like the noonday sun.

How do we live in the will of God?
There must be an hour in which you distinctly give your life over to God. A vague conception you belong to him won't be enough for the depth God wants to take you. It's like Angus MacMorrow holding on the back of the Lock Ness monster as it dives beneath the lake, violently stirring the water with its powerful tail and blowing an angry stream of bubbles to mark the place poor little Angus was last seen dry and afraid.  
If you've taken the deep plunge, God directs you. When you commit your way to him he promises to bring his will to pass. 

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