One day I was having my coffee and reading Psalm 33 when verse six jumped into my imagination. "By the word of the Lord were the heavens made: and all the host of them by the breath of his mouth." Sketching down the idea, I decided to turn voiceless words written on page into an object to be seen and touched.
The dark blue background I wove with an acrylic yarn with tiny sparkles in it. Then I stitched a silhouetted face in the action of creating stars.
Working on this was not just a creative project, it helped me get my hands on my humongous Creator who shouted stars into space like bursts of confetti.
I've never tried to write music before, so it was fun to put a tune I picked out on an actual sheet of paper.
Bread, anyone?
Sometimes, in all the order and detail of our daily lives, connecting with my Maker and enjoying life as he gave it to me gets lost. Only God is God. All the care and preparation I fill my time with cannot equal the peace of that one simple knowledge. The Lord is God. I cannot change him to be anything else- he gets uncomfortable in any other place I try to put him because he doesn't fit. He is for the simple. He is for the one who wants the most from life.