The simple things we have are the things of truest beauty.

November 7, 2011

s-O-e Save Our Electricity

Today was a sunny, nice day and I found some ways to save our electricity by: hanging half the laundry outside to dry, layering vegetables in a gigantic bamboo steamer to cook all at once instead of separately, turning off the fans and opening the windows for fresh air (but some cold people objected and shut them all later,) turning off the heat and building a fire to keep the house warm, going outside to read instead of turning on a lamp, singing instead of using the cd player.

The book I am reading is a biography of a missionary to China in the 1800’s. Mom found it on her shelf and recommended it to me. It is a challenging, inspiring, nourishing, true story.
Here’s a quote or two: ‘the Holy Spirit never creates hungering and thirsting after righteousness, but in order that Christ may fill the longing soul.’
‘faith in Jesus crucified, is the way of peace to the sinner; so faith in Jesus risen, is the way of daily salvation to the saint.’
‘it doesn’t really matter how great the pressure is, it only matters where the pressure lies; see that it never comes between you and the Lord- then, the greater the pressure, the more it presses you to His heart.’

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