The simple things we have are the things of truest beauty.

November 19, 2011

I met this white caterpillar crawling down the road. He was really cute, but it took him a long time to get anywhere and I soon passed him up. 

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This week, as a reward in school, I let my little friend listen to one track on any cd she wanted. Choosing a holiday album, she surprised me by singing through the whole thing. I was impressed that she knew every word, so I applauded and praised her.
After more stacks of flashcards, she wanted to play another song for me. Standing proudly and letting her hair out of her ponytail, she closed her eyes dramatically as the music began. Taking deep breaths, she gave the lyrics every energetic sensation in her heart, often stealing glances at me to see me watching and smiling at her.
The next day, she begged me to let her sing for me again and showed me several new cd's that she planned to use in the future. The tunes were difficult for her to follow, but she sang loudly and boldly, watching my face.
It reminded me of what I had prayed that morning while I was driving to her house: to know Jesus' favor. I want to love Jesus more and know his love for me.
Just like my little friend who watched for my approval, I am watching Jesus' face to see the kindness, assurance, and pride in his eyes. She is not a singer, and I am not naturally loveable to a perfect God. But He sees our aspirations to do well. He calls us 'faithful servants.'
I will live loudly and boldly, not gazing into heaven and wondering who will attain to bring Jesus down to me, but marveling at his presence right in my heart.

For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.

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